The team
From left to right: Zuzanna Werner, Andrzej Frączak, Helgi Sigurðsson, Valtýr Kári Daníelsson, Maciej Zaremba. Photo taken 2023 at FUW, Warsaw.
Principle Investigator
I am an adiunkt at the Faculty of Physics at University of Warsaw, and a researcher at the Science Institute at University of Iceland. My research involves quantum light-matter physics in semiconductor optical microcavities and condensed matter of excitons and polaritons.
(2012) BSc in physics - University of Iceland.
(2016) PhD in Research Physics - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
My current specific research interests are topological polaritonics, spontaneous and emergent effects in many body systems, simulations of exciton-polariton condensate dynamics, artificial gauge fields in photonic systems, and large-scale programmable simulators based on all-optically generated networks of exciton-polariton condensates.
For more details please see my CV.
Students and researchers
Project partners
Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology