The team

From left to right: Zuzanna Werner, Andrzej Frączak, Helgi Sigurðsson, Valtýr Kári Daníelsson, Maciej Zaremba. Photo taken 2023 at FUW, Warsaw.

Principle Investigator

Dr. Helgi Sigurðsson 

I am an adiunkt at the Faculty of Physics at University of Warsaw, and a researcher at the Science Institute at University of Iceland. My research involves quantum light-matter physics in semiconductor optical microcavities and condensed matter of excitons and polaritons. 

(2012) BSc in physics - University of Iceland.
(2016) PhD in Research Physics - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

My current specific research interests are topological polaritonics, spontaneous and emergent effects in many body systems, simulations of exciton-polariton condensate dynamics, artificial gauge fields in photonic systems, and large-scale programmable simulators based on all-optically generated networks of exciton-polariton condensates.

For more details please see my CV.

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Students and researchers

Dr. Luciano Ricco

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Iceland

Eryk Imos

MSc student

University of Warsaw

Maciej Zaremba

MSc student

University of Warsaw

Zuzanna Werner

BSc student

University of Warsaw

Andrzej Frączak

MSc student

University of Warsaw

Valtýr Kári Daníelsson

PhD student

University of Iceland

Project partners

Prof. Barbara Piętka

University of Warsaw

Prof. Jacek Szczytko

University of Warsaw

Prof. Michał Matuszewski

Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences

Prof. Pavlos Lagoudakis

Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology

Prof. Ivan Shelykh

University of Iceland